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Assembly Source File  |  1994-07-04  |  18KB  |  561 lines

  1. *
  2. * $VER: schwäbisch.language 38.2 (13.1.94)
  4. *
  6.         include 'exec/types.i'
  7.         include 'exec/lists.i'
  8.         include 'exec/libraries.i'
  9.         include 'exec/resident.i'
  10.         include 'exec/initializers.i'
  11.         include 'libraries/locale.i'
  13. _LVOFreeMem     EQU     -$d2
  15. ; Uncomment this to activate slovene ToUpper and StrCmp function.
  16. ;NO_SORT_EXTENSION       SET     1
  18.         SECTION CODE
  20.         moveq   #-1,d0
  21.         rts
  23. Start   dc.w    RTC_MATCHWORD
  24.         dc.l    Start
  25.         dc.l    End
  26.         dc.b    RTF_AUTOINIT
  27.         dc.b    38
  28.         dc.b    NT_LIBRARY
  29.         dc.b    156
  30.         dc.l    name
  31.         dc.l    idStr
  32.         dc.l    initTable
  34. name    dc.b    'schwäbisch.language',0
  35. idStr   dc.b    'schwäbisch 38.2 (29.3.94)',13,10,0
  37. initTable
  38.         dc.l    42              ; library base size
  39.         dc.l    vectors         ; library routine vectors
  40.         dc.l    structure       ; library base initialization structure
  41.         dc.l    InitFunction    ; initialization function
  43. vectors
  44.         dc.l    FuncOpen
  45.         dc.l    FuncClose
  46.         dc.l    FuncExpunge
  47.         dc.l    FuncNull
  48.         dc.l    FuncMask
  49.         dc.l    FuncNull
  50.         dc.l    FuncNull
  51.         dc.l    FuncNull
  52.         dc.l    FuncGetString
  53.         IFND    NO_SORT_EXTENSION
  54.         dc.l    FuncNull
  55.         dc.l    FuncNull
  56.         dc.l    FuncNull
  57.         dc.l    FuncNull
  58.         dc.l    FuncNull
  59.         dc.l    FuncNull
  60.         dc.l    FuncNull
  61.         dc.l    FuncNull
  62.         dc.l    FuncNull
  63.         dc.l    FuncNull
  64.         dc.l    FuncNull
  65.         dc.l    FuncToUpper
  66.         dc.l    FuncStringCompare
  67.         ENDC
  68.         dc.l    -1
  70. structure
  71.         INITBYTE        LN_PRI,156
  72.         INITBYTE        LN_TYPE,NT_LIBRARY
  73.         INITLONG        LN_NAME,name
  75.         INITWORD        LIB_VERSION,38
  76.         INITWORD        LIB_REVISION,2
  77.         INITLONG        LIB_IDSTRING,idStr
  78.         dc.w    0
  80. *- InitFunction ---------------------------------------------------*
  81. * Input:
  82. *  D0 - catalog base
  83. *  A6 - execbase
  84. *  A0 - ???
  85. *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  86. InitFunction
  87.         move.l  d0,a1                           ; get catalog base
  88.         move.l  a0,34(a1)
  89.         move.l  a6,38(a1)                       ; save sysbase
  90.         rts
  92. *- FuncOpen -------------------------------------------------------*
  93. * Input:
  94. *  A6 - catalog base
  95. * Output:
  96. *  D0 - catalog base
  97. *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  98. FuncOpen
  99.         addq.w  #1,LIB_OPENCNT(a6)              ; increase open counter
  100.         bclr    #LIBB_DELEXP,LIB_FLAGS(a6)      ; clear delayed expunge flag
  101.         move.l  a6,d0                           ; return catalog base
  102.         rts
  104. *- FuncClose ------------------------------------------------------*
  105. * Input:
  106. *  A6 - catalog base
  107. * Output:
  108. *  D0 = 0
  109. *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  110. FuncClose
  111.         subq.w  #1,LIB_OPENCNT(a6)              ; decrease open counter
  112.         btst    #LIBB_DELEXP,LIB_FLAGS(a6)      ; test delayed expunge flag
  113.         bne.s   .expunge                        ; expunge library if requested
  114.         moveq   #0,d0
  115.         rts
  116. .expunge
  117.         tst.w   LIB_OPENCNT(a6)                 ; still open?
  118.         beq.s   doExpunge                       ; expunge catalog
  119.         moveq   #0,d0
  120.         rts
  122. *- FuncExpunge ----------------------------------------------------*
  123. * Input:
  124. *  A6 - catalog base
  125. * Output:
  126. *  ???
  127. *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  128. FuncExpunge
  129.         tst.w   LIB_OPENCNT(a6)                 ; catalog opened?
  130.         beq.s   doExpunge                       ; expunge library
  131.         bset    #LIBB_DELEXP,LIB_FLAGS(a6)      ; set delayed expunge flag
  132.         moveq   #0,d0
  133.         rts
  134. doExpunge
  135.         movem.l d2/a5/a6,-(sp)
  136.         move.l  a6,a5                           ; get catalog base
  137.         move.l  38(a5),a6                       ; get execbase
  138.         move.l  34(a5),d2
  139.         move.l  a5,a1                           ; get catalog base
  140.         REMOVE                                  ; remove catalog node
  141.         move.l  a5,a1                           ; get catalog base
  142.         moveq   #0,d0                           ; clear d0
  143.         move.w  LIB_NEGSIZE(a5),d0              ; get vector array size
  144.         sub.l   d0,a1                           ; get array start address
  145.         add.w   LIB_POSSIZE(a5),d0              ; get catalog base size
  146.         jsr     _LVOFreeMem(a6)                 ; free catalog base memory
  147.         move.l  d2,d0
  148.         movem.l (sp)+,d2/a5/a6
  149.         rts
  151. *- FuncNull -------------------------------------------------------*
  152. FuncNull
  153.         moveq   #0,d0
  154.         rts
  156. *- FuncMask -------------------------------------------------------*
  157. * Output:
  158. *  D0 = bitmask of implemented functions
  159. *  (f.e. D0 = 1<<3 means function 3 implemented -> function 3 = GetString)
  160. *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  161. FuncMask
  162. ;        IFND    NO_SORT_EXTENSION
  163. ;        move.l  #(1<<3|1<<15|1<<16),d0  ; GetString, ToUpper, StringCompare
  164. ;        else
  165.         move.l  #(1<<3),d0              ; GetString
  166. ;        ENDC
  167.         rts
  169.         IFND    NO_SORT_EXTENSION
  170. *- FuncStringCompare ----------------------------------------------*
  171. * Input:
  172. *  D0 - string length
  173. *  D1 - comparsion type
  174. *  A1 - first string
  175. *  A2 - second string
  176. * Output:
  177. *  <0 means string1 < string2
  178. *  =0 means string1 = string2
  179. *  >0 means string1 > string2
  180. *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  181. FuncStringCompare
  182.         tst.l   d0                      ; zero length?
  183.         bne.s   .oklen                  ; length specified
  184.         rts
  185. .oklen  tst.l   d1                      ; SC_ASCII?
  186.         bne.s   doCol1                  ; no, do SC_COLLATE1 or SC_COLLATE2
  187.         movem.l d2/a2,-(sp)             ; save regs
  188.         lea     convTab2(pc),a0         ; get comparison table pointer
  189.         moveq   #0,d2
  190. .next   move.b  (a1)+,d1                ; get character from first string
  191.         move.b  (a2)+,d2                ; get character from second string
  192.         move.b  (a0,d1.w),d1            ; get first comparison char from table
  193.         cmp.b   (a0,d2.w),d1            ; compare with second comp. char
  194.         bne.s   .lower                  ; are chars equal?
  195.         tst.b   d1                      ; end of string?
  196.         beq.s   .equal
  197.         subq.l  #1,d0                   ; one less to go...
  198.         bne.s   .next                   ; go to next character
  199.         movem.l (sp)+,d2/a2
  200.         rts
  201. .equal  moveq   #0,d0                   ; characters are equal
  202.         movem.l (sp)+,d2/a2
  203.         rts
  204. .lower  bhi.s   .higher                 ; char1 > char2?
  205.         moveq   #-1,d0                  ; char1 < char2
  206.         movem.l (sp)+,d2/a2
  207.         rts
  208. .higher moveq   #1,d0                   ; char1 > char2
  209.         movem.l (sp)+,d2/a2
  210.         rts
  212. doCol1  subq.l  #1,d1                   ; SC_COLLATE1?
  213.         bne.s   doCol2                  ; no, do SC_COLLATE2
  214.         movem.l d2/a2,-(sp)
  215.         lea     convTab1(pc),a0
  216.         moveq   #0,d2
  217. .next   move.b  (a1)+,d1
  218.         move.b  (a2)+,d2
  219.         move.b  (a0,d1.w),d1
  220.         cmp.b   (a0,d2.w),d1
  221.         bne.s   lbC0001AA
  222.         tst.b   d1
  223.         beq.s   lbC0001A2
  224.         subq.l  #1,d0
  225.         bne.s   .next
  226.         movem.l (sp)+,d2/a2
  227.         rts
  228. lbC0001A2:
  229.         moveq   #0,d0
  230.         movem.l (sp)+,d2/a2
  231.         rts
  232. lbC0001AA:
  233.         bhi.s   lbC0001B4
  234.         moveq   #-1,d0
  235.         movem.l (sp)+,d2/a2
  236.         rts
  237. lbC0001B4:
  238.         moveq   #1,d0
  239.         movem.l (sp)+,d2/a2
  240.         rts
  241. doCol2  subq.l  #1,d1
  242.         bne.s   lbC000226
  243.         movem.l d2/d3/a2,-(sp)
  244.         lea     convTab1(pc),a0
  245.         moveq   #0,d2
  246.         moveq   #0,d3
  247. lbC0001CC:
  248.         move.b  (a1)+,d1
  249.         beq.s   lbC0001E0
  250.         move.b  (a2)+,d2
  251.         cmp.b   d2,d1
  252.         bne.s   lbC0001EC
  253.         subq.l  #1,d0
  254.         bne.s   lbC0001CC
  255.         movem.l (sp)+,d2/d3/a2
  256.         rts
  257. lbC0001E0:
  258.         cmp.b   (a2)+,d1
  259.         bne.s   lbC0001EC
  260.         movem.l (sp)+,d2/d3/a2
  261.         moveq   #0,d0
  262.         rts
  263. lbC0001EC:
  264.         bhi.s   lbC0001F2
  265.         moveq   #-1,d3
  266.         bra.s   lbC0001FA
  267. lbC0001F2:
  268.         moveq   #1,d3
  269.         bra.s   lbC0001FA
  270. lbC0001F6:
  271.         move.b  (a1)+,d1
  272.         move.b  (a2)+,d2
  273. lbC0001FA:
  274.         move.b  (a0,d1.w),d1
  275.         cmp.b   (a0,d2.w),d1
  276.         bne.s   lbC000214
  277.         tst.b   d1
  278.         beq.s   lbC00020C
  279.         subq.l  #1,d0
  280.         bne.s   lbC0001F6
  281. lbC00020C:
  282.         move.l  d3,d0
  283.         movem.l (sp)+,d2/d3/a2
  284.         rts
  285. lbC000214:
  286.         bhi.s   lbC00021E
  287.         moveq   #-1,d0
  288.         movem.l (sp)+,d2/d3/a2
  289.         rts
  290. lbC00021E:
  291.         moveq   #1,d0
  292.         movem.l (sp)+,d2/d3/a2
  293.         rts
  294. lbC000226:
  295.         moveq   #0,d0
  296.         rts
  298. *- FuncToUpper ----------------------------------------------------*
  299. FuncToUpper
  300.         move.l  d0,-(sp)
  301.         bne.s   lbC000232
  302.         addq.l  #4,sp
  303.         rts
  304. lbC000232:
  305.         tst.l   d1
  306.         bne.s   lbC00023E
  307.         move.l  a2,-(sp)
  308.         lea     convTab2(pc),a0
  309.         bra.s   lbC000252
  310. lbC00023E:
  311.         subq.l  #1,d1
  312.         bne.s   lbC000262
  313.         move.l  a2,-(sp)
  314.         lea     convTab1(pc),a0
  315.         bra.s   lbC000252
  316. lbC00024A:
  317.         move.b  (a1)+,d1
  318.         beq.s   lbC000256
  319.         move.b  (a0,d1.w),(a2)+
  320. lbC000252:
  321.         subq.l  #1,d0
  322.         bne.s   lbC00024A
  323. lbC000256:
  324.         clr.b   (a2)
  325.         move.l  (sp)+,a2
  326.         move.l  (sp)+,d1
  327.         sub.l   d0,d1
  328.         move.l  d1,d0
  329.         rts
  330. lbC000262:
  331.         subq.l  #1,d1
  332.         bne.s   lbC0002A4
  333.         movem.l d2/a2/a3,-(sp)
  334.         move.l  a1,a0
  335. lbC00026C:
  336.         tst.b   (a0)+
  337.         bne.s   lbC00026C
  338.         sub.l   a1,a0
  339.         subq.l  #1,a0
  340.         move.l  a2,a3
  341.         add.l   a0,a3
  342.         lea     convTab1(pc),a0
  343.         bra.s   lbC000292
  344. lbC00027E:
  345.         move.b  (a1)+,d1
  346.         beq.s   lbC000296
  347.         move.b  (a0,d1.w),d2
  348.         move.b  d2,(a2)+
  349.         cmp.b   d2,d1
  350.         beq.s   lbC000292
  351.         move.b  d1,(a3)+
  352.         subq.l  #1,d0
  353.         beq.s   lbC000296
  354. lbC000292:
  355.         subq.l  #1,d0
  356.         bne.s   lbC00027E
  357. lbC000296:
  358.         clr.b   (a3)
  359.         movem.l (sp)+,d2/a2/a3
  360.         move.l  (sp)+,d1
  361.         sub.l   d0,d1
  362.         move.l  d1,d0
  363.         rts
  364. lbC0002A4:
  365.         moveq   #0,d0
  366.         rts
  368. *- convTab1 ------------------------------------------------------*
  369. convTab1
  370.         dc.b    $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07
  371.         dc.b    $08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0E,$0F
  372.         dc.b    $10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17
  373.         dc.b    $18,$19,$1A,$1B,$1C,$1D,$1E,$1F
  374.         dc.b    $20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27
  375.         dc.b    $28,$29,$2A,$2B,$2C,$2D,$2E,$2F
  376.         dc.b    $30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37
  377.         dc.b    $38,$39,$3A,$3B,$3C,$3D,$3E,$3F
  378.         dc.b    $40,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47
  379.         dc.b    $48,$49,$4A,$4B,$4C,$4D,$4E,$4F
  380.         dc.b    $50,$51,$52,$53,$54,$55,$56,$57
  381.         dc.b    $58,$59,$5A,$5E,$5F,$60,$61,$62
  382.         dc.b    $63,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47
  383.         dc.b    $48,$49,$4A,$4B,$4C,$4D,$4E,$4F
  384.         dc.b    $50,$51,$52,$53,$54,$55,$56,$57
  385.         dc.b    $58,$59,$5A,$64,$65,$66,$67,$68
  386.         dc.b    $E0,$E1,$E2,$E3,$E4,$E5,$E6,$E7
  387.         dc.b    $E8,$E9,$EA,$EB,$EC,$ED,$EE,$EF
  388.         dc.b    $F0,$F1,$F2,$F3,$F4,$F5,$F6,$F7
  389.         dc.b    $F8,$F9,$FA,$FB,$FC,$FD,$FE,$FF
  390.         dc.b    $20,$21,$24,$24,$69,$6A,$6B,$53
  391.         dc.b    $6C,$6D,$6E,$22,$6F,$70,$71,$72
  392.         dc.b    $73,$74,$75,$76,$77,$78,$79,$7A
  393.         dc.b    $7B,$7C,$7D,$22,$7E,$7F,$80,$3F
  394.         dc.b    $41,$41,$41,$41,$41,$5D,$5B,$43
  395.         dc.b    $45,$45,$45,$45,$49,$49,$49,$49
  396.         dc.b    $44,$4E,$4F,$4F,$4F,$4F,$4F,$2F
  397.         dc.b    $5C,$55,$55,$55,$55,$59,$50,$59
  398.         dc.b    $41,$41,$41,$41,$41,$5D,$5B,$43
  399.         dc.b    $45,$45,$45,$45,$49,$49,$49,$49
  400.         dc.b    $44,$4E,$4F,$4F,$4F,$4F,$4F,$2F
  401.         dc.b    $5C,$55,$55,$55,$55,$59,$50,$59
  403. *- convTab2 ------------------------------------------------------*
  404. convTab2
  405.         dc.b    $00,$01,$02,$03,$04,$05,$06,$07
  406.         dc.b    $08,$09,$0A,$0B,$0C,$0D,$0E,$0F
  407.         dc.b    $10,$11,$12,$13,$14,$15,$16,$17
  408.         dc.b    $18,$19,$1A,$1B,$1C,$1D,$1E,$1F
  409.         dc.b    $20,$21,$22,$23,$24,$25,$26,$27
  410.         dc.b    $28,$29,$2A,$2B,$2C,$2D,$2E,$2F
  411.         dc.b    $30,$31,$32,$33,$34,$35,$36,$37
  412.         dc.b    $38,$39,$3A,$3B,$3C,$3D,$3E,$3F
  413.         dc.b    $40,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47
  414.         dc.b    $48,$49,$4A,$4B,$4C,$4D,$4E,$4F
  415.         dc.b    $50,$51,$52,$53,$54,$55,$56,$57
  416.         dc.b    $58,$59,$5A,$5B,$5C,$5D,$5E,$5F
  417.         dc.b    $60,$41,$42,$43,$44,$45,$46,$47
  418.         dc.b    $48,$49,$4A,$4B,$4C,$4D,$4E,$4F
  419.         dc.b    $50,$51,$52,$53,$54,$55,$56,$57
  420.         dc.b    $58,$59,$5A,$7B,$7C,$7D,$7E,$7F
  421.         dc.b    $80,$81,$82,$83,$84,$85,$86,$87
  422.         dc.b    $88,$89,$8A,$8B,$8C,$8D,$8E,$8F
  423.         dc.b    $90,$91,$92,$93,$94,$95,$96,$97
  424.         dc.b    $98,$99,$9A,$9B,$9C,$9D,$9E,$9F
  425.         dc.b    $A0,$A1,$A2,$A3,$A4,$A5,$A6,$A7
  426.         dc.b    $A8,$A9,$AA,$AB,$AC,$AD,$AE,$AF
  427.         dc.b    $B0,$B1,$B2,$B3,$B4,$B5,$B6,$B7
  428.         dc.b    $B8,$B9,$BA,$BB,$BC,$BD,$BE,$BF
  429.         dc.b    $C0,$C1,$C2,$C3,$C4,$C5,$C6,$C7
  430.         dc.b    $C8,$C9,$CA,$CB,$CC,$CD,$CE,$CF
  431.         dc.b    $D0,$D1,$D2,$D3,$D4,$D5,$D6,$D7
  432.         dc.b    $D8,$D9,$DA,$DB,$DC,$DD,$DE,$DF
  433.         dc.b    $C0,$C1,$C2,$C3,$C4,$C5,$C6,$C7
  434.         dc.b    $C8,$C9,$CA,$CB,$CC,$CD,$CE,$CF
  435.         dc.b    $D0,$D1,$D2,$D3,$D4,$D5,$D6,$D7
  436.         dc.b    $D8,$D9,$DA,$DB,$DC,$DD,$DE,$DF
  437.         ENDC
  439. *- strings -------------------------------------------------------*
  440. strings         dc.w    0
  441. Day1            dc.b    'Sonndich',0            ; Sunday
  442. Day2            dc.b    'Meedich',0             ; Monday
  443. Day3            dc.b    'Daischdich',0          ; Tuesday
  444. Day4            dc.b    'Middwoch',0            ; Wednesday
  445. Day5            dc.b    'Doorschdich',0         ; Thursday
  446. Day6            dc.b    'Freidich',0            ; Friday
  447. Day7            dc.b    'Samschdich',0          ; Saturday
  448. AbDay1          dc.b    'Son',0                 ; Sun
  449. AbDay2          dc.b    'Mee',0                 ; Mon
  450. AbDay3          dc.b    'Dai',0                 ; Tue
  451. AbDay4          dc.b    'Mid',0                 ; Wed
  452. AbDay5          dc.b    'Doo',0                 ; Thu
  453. AbDay6          dc.b    'Fre',0                 ; Fri
  454. AbDay7          dc.b    'Sam',0                 ; Sat
  455. Mon1            dc.b    'Januar',0              ; January
  456. Mon2            dc.b    'Februar',0             ; February
  457. Mon3            dc.b    'März',0               ; March
  458. Mon4            dc.b    'Abril',0               ; April
  459. Mon5            dc.b    'Mai',0                 ; May
  460. Mon6            dc.b    'Juni',0                ; June
  461. Mon7            dc.b    'Juli',0                ; July
  462. Mon8            dc.b    'Auguschd',0            ; August
  463. Mon9            dc.b    'Sebdember',0           ; September
  464. Mon10           dc.b    'Ogdober',0             ; October
  465. Mon11           dc.b    'November',0            ; November
  466. Mon12           dc.b    'Dezember',0            ; December
  467. AbMon1          dc.b    'Jan',0                 ; Jan
  468. AbMon2          dc.b    'Feb',0                 ; Feb
  469. AbMon3          dc.b    'Mär',0                 ; Mar
  470. AbMon4          dc.b    'Apr',0                 ; Apr
  471. AbMon5          dc.b    'Mai',0                 ; May
  472. AbMon6          dc.b    'Jun',0                 ; Jun
  473. AbMon7          dc.b    'Jul',0                 ; Jul
  474. AbMon8          dc.b    'Aug',0                 ; Aug
  475. AbMon9          dc.b    'Sep',0                 ; Sep
  476. AbMon10         dc.b    'Okt',0                 ; Oct
  477. AbMon11         dc.b    'Nov',0                 ; Nov
  478. AbMon12         dc.b    'Dez',0                 ; Dec
  479. YesStr          dc.b    'Jo',0                  ; Yes
  480. NoStr           dc.b    'Noi',0                 ; No
  481. AM_Str          dc.b    'Morgends',0            ; AM
  482. PM_Str          dc.b    'Obends',0                  ; PM
  483. SoftHyphen      dc.b    '-',0
  484. HardHyphen      dc.b    '-',0
  485. OpenQuote       dc.b    '"',0
  486. CloseQuote      dc.b    '"',0
  487. YesterdayStr    dc.b    'Geschdern',0           ; Yesterday
  488. TodayStr        dc.b    'Heit',0                ; Today
  489. TomorrowStr     dc.b    'Morga',0               ; Tomorrow
  490. FutureStr       dc.b    'Demnägschd',0          ; Future
  491.                 even
  493. *- FuncGetString --------------------------------------------------*
  494. * Input:
  495. *  D0 - string number
  496. * Output:
  497. *  D0 - string address or 0 on error
  498. *------------------------------------------------------------------*
  499. FuncGetString
  500.         cmp.l   #MAXSTRMSG,d0           ; out of range?
  501.         bcc.s   .noStr                  ; yes, fail
  502.         asl.w   #2,d0                   ; get longword offset
  503.         move.l  strTab(pc,d0.w),d0      ; get string pointer
  504.         rts
  505. .noStr  moveq   #0,d0
  506.         rts
  508. *- strTab --------------------------------------------------------*
  509. strTab  dc.l    strings
  510.         dc.l    Day1
  511.         dc.l    Day2
  512.         dc.l    Day3
  513.         dc.l    Day4
  514.         dc.l    Day5
  515.         dc.l    Day6
  516.         dc.l    Day7
  517.         dc.l    AbDay1
  518.         dc.l    AbDay2
  519.         dc.l    AbDay3
  520.         dc.l    AbDay4
  521.         dc.l    AbDay5
  522.         dc.l    AbDay6
  523.         dc.l    AbDay7
  524.         dc.l    Mon1
  525.         dc.l    Mon2
  526.         dc.l    Mon3
  527.         dc.l    Mon4
  528.         dc.l    Mon5
  529.         dc.l    Mon6
  530.         dc.l    Mon7
  531.         dc.l    Mon8
  532.         dc.l    Mon9
  533.         dc.l    Mon10
  534.         dc.l    Mon11
  535.         dc.l    Mon12
  536.         dc.l    AbMon1
  537.         dc.l    AbMon2
  538.         dc.l    AbMon3
  539.         dc.l    AbMon4
  540.         dc.l    AbMon5
  541.         dc.l    AbMon6
  542.         dc.l    AbMon7
  543.         dc.l    AbMon8
  544.         dc.l    AbMon9
  545.         dc.l    AbMon10
  546.         dc.l    AbMon11
  547.         dc.l    AbMon12
  548.         dc.l    YesStr
  549.         dc.l    NoStr
  550.         dc.l    AM_Str
  551.         dc.l    PM_Str
  552.         dc.l    SoftHyphen
  553.         dc.l    HardHyphen
  554.         dc.l    OpenQuote
  555.         dc.l    CloseQuote
  556.         dc.l    YesterdayStr
  557.         dc.l    TodayStr
  558.         dc.l    TomorrowStr
  559.         dc.l    FutureStr
  560. End     END